Positions Vacant


A unique opportunity exists for an inspiring, energetic and motivated individual to oversee, lead and provide strategic direction and guidance to a dedicated team of staff and volunteers at Bunbury Dolphin Discovery Inc.

Based in Bunbury and reporting to the Board, the Chief Executive Officer will lead, direct and manage the delivery of ecotourism, conservation, education and research activities together with projects and initiatives. This is an outstanding opportunity for an individual who will be at the forefront of developing and delivering key outcomes through partnerships with key stakeholders and the community.

You will need to demonstrate that you have the experience and capability to lead a diverse team to deliver key organisational and financial outcomes while ensuring the Dolphin
Discovery Centre is operating to its optimum. Imperative to the role of the Chief Executive Officer will be the ability to communicate in a manner that is inclusive and collaborative in order to develop and sustain effective relationships and partnerships while continued support of existing and the establishment of new stakeholders is developed and maintained.

A competitive salary package including, superannuation will be offered to the successful candidate on a contract basis together with working hours to be negotiated.
It is essential you provide a comprehensive resume that includes key responsibilities and achievements together with a covering letter. For further information including obtaining a copy of the Job Description Form, please contact Joe Radici, Managing Director, Dillinger Group Development on 0419845817 or via email at joe@dillinger.com
Applicants should forward written applications to Joe Radici, Dillinger Group Development via email at recruit@dillinger.com.au .

Closing Date: 5:00p.m (WST), Monday the 4th November 2024.


Volunteer Roles

Are you looking for a new professional or volunteering opportunity in your life!?

We are offering various amazing roles and opportunities working as Volunteer for our organisation.

Working for a not for profit organisation gives you the chance to broaden your horizon, fulfilment in the workplace, and learning by doing through valuable experiences.

Please contact us by email volunteers@dolphindiscovery.com.au

More information on our www.dolphindiscovery.com.au/volunteering/

join the team

please follow the individual links and email address in the relevant job description to get in touch or to send through your application. we are looking forward hearing from you!

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Group of people wading in the water watching a dolphin
Volunteers rescuing a stranded whale at the beach
Two dolphins swimming side by side
Two turtles on the beach heading towards ocean almost home...
Volunteers rescuing a stranded whale at the beach
Person givinng thumbs up while snorkelling with dolphins Kindly donated by Henderson Photographics

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